Lyndon B Johnson's Long Hairstyle

Politicians have always been known for their stylish looks, and former U.S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson was no exception. In fact, his long hairstyle is often credited with helping him win a landslide victory in the 1964 U.S. Presidential Election. So what was LBJ’s secret to keeping his hair looking so good for years on end? Read on to find out!

Lyndon B Johnson’s Early Life

Lyndon Baines Johnson was born on August 27, 1908, in The Hill Country of Texas. He was the second of six children and the son of a sharecropper. Johnson attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1930.

Johnson entered politics in 1934 when he was elected to the Texas Senate. In 1948, Johnson was elected to the U.S. Senate, and he served until his death in 1973. During his time in office, Johnson was twice elected president of the United States (1948-1953, 1960-1963). He is also remembered for leading the country through one of its most turbulent times – the Civil Rights Movement.

The Election of 1964

Lyndon B Johnson’s Long Hairstyle

In the election of 1964, Lyndon B Johnson was elected as the 36th president of the United States. One of the most important factors that helped him win the election was his long hairstyle.

Johnson’s hair was long enough to cover most of his face. This made it difficult for his political opponents to attack him directly. Instead, they had to focus on other aspects of his campaign.

Johnson’s long hair also made him look different from other candidates. This helped to break down barriers and bring people together. It also increased turnout among African Americans and young people who were not normally involved in politics.

The Presidency of Lyndon B Johnson

Lyndon Baines Johnson was the 36th President of the United States, serving from 1963 until his death in 1973. He is generally considered one of the most significant American Presidents.

Johnson’s long hair became an iconic symbol of his presidency, and he popularized a style that came to be known as the “Johnson treatment” or “the Johnsons”. This involved wearing his hair flowing freely down his back, rather than in a traditional pompadour. His trademark style helped him to connect with ordinary Americans and make himself more accessible to the public.

Johnson’s long hair also had political implications. It made him less easily identifiable as a Southern white male, which helped him to win support from both Northern and Southern Democrats.

The War on Poverty

Lyndon B Johnson’s Long Hairstyle

Lyndon Johnson was the 36th president of the United States, and during his time in office, he launched a number of initiatives in an effort to improve the socioeconomic conditions of Americans. One of these efforts was the War on Poverty, which aimed to reduce poverty rates and make life more affordable for Americans living in poverty.

Johnson’s hairstyle during this time was very different from what we see today. He typically wore his hair short, but he also sported a very long hairstyle that extended down past his shoulders. This hairstyle was very popular at the time and helped to make Johnson look much more distinguished and authoritative than other politicians at the time.

The Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement was a time when people fought for equal rights and freedom. One of the main leaders of the movement was Lyndon B Johnson. He had long hair that he often wore in a style called “the pillbox hat”. This hairstyle was very popular during the time and helped to symbolize how proud he was of his African American heritage.

The Great Society

Lyndon Baines Johnson was a president who left a lasting impression on America. During his time as president, Johnson championed the passage of The Great Society, which aimed to improve the lives of Americans. He was known for his long hair, which he wore in a pompadour style.


The presidential administrations of John F Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson had a number of stylistic similarities. This was most notably visible in their hairstyles. Johnson, who served as president from 1963 to 1969, had very long hair that he usually kept styled in a bun. Kennedy, who served from 1961 to 1963, sported a shorter haircut that was more modern-looking.

Johnson’s very long hair made him an easy target for ridicule by political opponents. In one instance, he was mocked on “The Tonight Show” by comedian Jay Leno, who noted that Johnson’s hairstyle made it difficult for him to shake hands with people.

Johnson’s long hair also became a source of frustration for him during his time as president. The humidity in Vietnam often caused his hair to frizz and curl, making it extremely difficult to manage. In addition, the heat and humidity made his hair greasy and unmanageable.

One of the few times when Johnson allowed his long hair to be styled in a more traditional manner was at the annual state dinner in honor of the president of France. At this event, his hair was styled into a bob hairstyle that helped improve his appearance and make him more easily recognizable.

The End of the Presidency of Lyndon B Johnson

Lyndon Johnson’s long hairstyle was a symbol of change during his presidency. He was the first president to be openly bald, and his hairstyle reflected this. His hair was often down to his waist, and he often styled it in a way that highlighted its length. This hairstyle marked a change in how presidents were viewed, and it helped him to stand out from other politicians.


If you’re wondering what Lyndon B Johnson’s hairstyle looked like in the 1960s, you’re not alone. The fact that his long hair was a focal point of his political platform has led to a great deal of speculation about what he might have worn back then. Long, flowing locks were all the rage at the time, and it seems likely that LBJ opted for this style as a way to stand out from his opponents. If you’re interested in trying out a similar look yourself, don’t hesitate to head to your nearest hair salon and get started!

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